R.G.'s Quick and Dirty Oscillator + Ruby = Strange Behavior...

Started by sixstringphil, December 12, 2008, 12:03:21 AM

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I was working on a project this afternoon and ran R.G.'s Improved Q&D Oscillator  into a ROG Ruby I built. Into my other guitar amps, the tone generator works fairly well. But when I go to the Ruby, the tone's frequency changes when I adjust the Ruby's gain and volume controls. Anyone know why this happens? I'm trying to get a signal generator, audio probe, amp, and speaker into one box for troubleshooting circuits. Thanks!

Here are links to the schematics...(wasn't sure if it was 'ok' to post the pics)



Problem seems to go away when they don't share the same power supply. When I run the Ruby off a 9v, the problem goes away. BTW, I'm running the output of the Q&DO straight to the Ruby input. I'm taking the ground and 9v+ for both from the same DC jack. Any problem with that?


I was just about to make the same project, tone generator, probe and ruby all in one. I thought i was so smart, but you beat me to it. I hadn't found the new Q&D oscillator so I was using the original schematic. I wish people would have answered you though.

Were you ever able to run them off of the same power supply or do you sill run the ruby on batt.