source for starter kits

Started by aziltz, January 19, 2009, 10:17:29 PM

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resister/capacitor assortments of common values? common effects components?

not a build kit for an effect, but what i would need to work on my own ideas?

does anyone carry something like this for a reasonable price?


Well, while its good to have a "starter kit", what I've found to work well so far, is to order a couple additional things when I place an order for a specific project. Instead of getting just what I need, I always get extra parts and also I try to get some parts that I dont already have that may be useful for a project down the road.

You will probably find that if you just get some sort of bulk pack, there may be many things that sit around unused...

Sticking to places like small bear, pedalpartsplus, and effectsconnection will also help steer you in the right direction for parts. They stock mainly only components you will be using for pedal projects. When you go to an electronics mega site like a Mouser, there is so much there you wouldnt know where to begin.

I did find on ebay a guy that was selling a giant bulk pack of metal film resistors of all kinds of values so I jumped on it since it was a great price (something like 5000 resistors for like $15 plus shipping)

Try looking around ebay and see what you find as well.  One other thing to try is put a post over in the "for sale" section asking for a good mix of parts to start out with. Many guys have a stockpile of stuff and would be happy to divide up some stuff for ya  ;D

If you dont find something, let me know and I can break up a little starter kit type thing for you.


hey thanks, i'll check ebay.

i just dug out my box o leftover stuff and i've got enough jfets, mosfets, trannies, and opamps to get started, its caps and resisters that i need.

i have access to an electronics lab (grad student) but those are typically low grade components.


The second one looks pretty good actually. The first (capacitors) is a little vague. You really won't know what you're getting and how many of each value. Let me see if I can find something real quick...


hmmm...not seeing much on the 'bay.

I think the resistors are a pretty good deal, so Id jump on them. As far as the capacitors go, I'd first try giving a shout to the for sale section and see what turns up. I could make you a small pack of different caps but it would be more like 10 of each. I dont have nearly the stockpile of some of these guys


thanks again, i really appreciate the guidance.

pretty much everything there is good for pedal building beginners except for the 1/2 watt resistors and the IDCC stuff.
Good prices as well.


that looks great as well, thank you!


well, i order one of those, and futurlec, before i realized these things were all overseas.

what i thougth would save me time in assembling a supply of parts actually set me back a few weeks (haven't received anything yet)



50 Value 1/4W Metal Film Resistors (1R~10MR) 1% 2000pcs -|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50

$12.99, 50 of each value, and free shipping.  Can't beat that.

EDIT:  Closed until Sunday, on account of the Chinese New Year, so don't expect it to ship out today or tomorrow.


i have some on the way already, thanks!  i just didnt read where it was coming from first.


I do like Beavis Audio's stompbox/breadboard setup with the huge bag of components, though I don't see an option to order just the components.  They sell the board separately as well, so it would be nice if they offered them and the related project info by itself.


Quote from: ZiggyZipgun on January 30, 2009, 12:53:27 PM
I do like Beavis Audio's stompbox/breadboard setup with the huge bag of components, though I don't see an option to order just the components.  They sell the board separately as well, so it would be nice if they offered them and the related project info by itself.

where do i find that?  thanks!


The total kit is $269 with shipping, and the project board itself is only $123 with shipping.  Tons of projects are included with the full kit, so I imagine if you made a shopping list of all of the components, you wouldn't be spending much more or less.  I'm just surprised he doesn't offer the component bundle separately.  I'm pretty sure he's a very active member on here, so seek him out if you have other questions.