How can I get more volume from this wah buffer?

Started by sevenisthenumber, April 28, 2009, 01:29:27 AM

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I replaced the trimmer with an external pot of the same value but the max volume is unity? How can I get more volume out of it?


oh yea:

1 is ground
2 is input
3 is 9v
4 is output
5 is ground


This is a source follower circuit, and I'm sorry to say it isn't possible to get higher than unity gain out of it. You have to use a different kind of buffer.


Use a booster rather than a buffer if you want it louder.
Bringing you yesterday's technology tomorrow.



This one appears to be good:
I'm actually putting that one after my wah, I only wish that I'll figure out if it can be run on 18 volts.


I just want an output volume adjustment for my crybaby. I dont like input adjustment. I tried adding an LPB booster in series after the wah circuit but im getting distortion????

How can i just adjust the output level of the wah?????


That's actually a problem for me too. The wah works in a way that it adds a huge hump in the resonant frequency (controlled by the pedal) while attenuating all the frequencies above that. When you try to boost the output, the hump makes the signal distort even though the overall perceived level is still below unity! This is why I think the best way to do it (if you don't like the distortion) is to use an 18 volt power supply for more headroom. I'm still in the process of trying something out.


Quote from: MohiZ on April 28, 2009, 05:43:22 PM
That's actually a problem for me too. The wah works in a way that it adds a huge hump in the resonant frequency (controlled by the pedal) while attenuating all the frequencies above that. When you try to boost the output, the hump makes the signal distort even though the overall perceived level is still below unity! This is why I think the best way to do it (if you don't like the distortion) is to use an 18 volt power supply for more headroom. I'm still in the process of trying something out.



Quote from: sevenisthenumber on April 28, 2009, 04:31:12 PM
I just want an output volume adjustment for my crybaby. I dont like input adjustment. I tried adding an LPB booster in series after the wah circuit but im getting distortion????

How can i just adjust the output level of the wah?????

You could run your wah into R.G.'s Adjusticator.  It boosts AND cuts signal level.  OR...
You could try putting a 100K pot to ground in front of the LPB.  Connect lug 3 to the Crybaby's output.  Hang the LPB's input off the wiper of the pot.  The last lug goes to ground.  This would attenuate the signal going to the LPB.



I put together this small circuit that works pretty well. It has a gain of little over two and is intended to work at +-9V supply. It's not magic and it still distorts a bit, but not as noticeably because of the zener clipping is more inconspicuous than op-amp clipping. If you can find them, use even smaller zener diodes.

Or two normal diodes in series from the opamp + to -, AND two diodes in series from the opamp - to +. I don't know  ;D I'm going to accept the fact that it distorts a little and use this circuit.

All in all, I think it's just a fact that either the wah is going to drop volume or it's going to distort, so it's kind of "pick your poison"  :( Of course, it depends on the wah in question, because some circuits create a larger wah hump than others.