Implmenting ampage detick mod to zombie chorus perf.

Started by bussche, March 20, 2010, 03:32:16 PM

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I built this zombie chorus from this perf layout:

It works but I have that tick that everyone desribes.  I was looking at the anti-tick mod desribed here:

But that diagram applies to the pcb layout from here:

Trying to look at that reversed anti-tick mod pcb diagram, figure out where that corresponds on the non-reverse pcb layout, and then figure out where that corresponds on the perf layout is giving me a headache haha.

Could some some one please open the perf layout in paint, draw the anti tick mod on it, and repost it? I will be forever in your debt  ;D


I want to build the zombie too, but you will agree with me, there are several differences/errors in those layouts (Xavier perf and Kent Stevenson's) compared to the original PDF.
So I guess it's not possible to switch that mod to those layouts, and maybe I woulndn't try to use them as they are.
Done an' workin'=Too many to mention - Tube addict!