My new design: the Relay Fuzz!

Started by fatfoohy, July 23, 2010, 11:16:00 PM

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I was in OT yesterday on this thread, and it is a bazz fuss, plus a LH1546 relay to add extra clipping once the pedal signal reaches a certain point, this is just an idea, and i hope to get it working sometime veeerrrrryyyy soon to see what happens. Any opinions would be greatly appreciated!
having leftover parts is just proof that you made it better!!!!


> check out this schematic i drew up today ... i'd like you all's opinion

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oh, i've just been lazy about my avatar, ooh, haha, i know why it didnt work woow, i feel stupid :icon_rolleyes:
having leftover parts is just proof that you made it better!!!!