Stutter pedal question

Started by bassk81976, September 30, 2010, 11:32:53 PM

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Hey all,

i've came up with a decently cool in my head idea:

a stutter pedal!

but not just a momentary dpdt to ground, i want to add a little spice to it:

a red/green 3 pin LED! (

my idea is to have input, output, dc plug, led, and momentary switch so that when plugged in and letting the signal pass through (normally) the LED is green, but when you depress it, the signal goes to ground and the LED turns red.

Is this as simple as it is in my head? Do i need a DPDT or a 3PDT momentary stompswitch to do this? I'm pretty sure i can figure out wiring, i just want to make sure that what i'm doing is feasible before i buy the parts. Also, is there anyplace i can buy the stompswtiches and LEDs from the same place? I only really know futurlec and smallbear.


If I understand correctly, you want something like this:

If that's the case, then a DPDT momentary should work.
Big Muff, Trotsky Drive, Little Angel, Valvecaster, Whisker Biscuit, Smash Drive, Green Ringer, Fuzz Face, Rangemaster, LPB1, Bazz Fuss/Buzz Box, Radioshack Fuzz, Blue Box, Fuzzrite, Tonepad Wah, EH Pulsar, NPN Tonebender, Torn's Peaker...



you, my friend, are amazing.