Pedal with a radio inside

Started by timd, April 30, 2012, 05:20:27 PM

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I'm working on creating pedal with an AM/FM radio inside it with true bypass. Does anyone know if there will be RF interference when the effect is bypassed?

petey twofinger

i would say try it and then maybe come up with some sort of filter , not sure if ferrite coils would do the trick , but .
im learning , we'll thats what i keep telling myself


You could make a pedal that simply takes any external source from a jack socket and blends it with the instrument signal (simple opamp mixer would do the trick). Then you just get any radio and make up a lead that connects the left and right signals from the headphone socket to a mono 1/4" jack. The radio stays outside of the pedal, giving you no trouble, plus you'd need an aerial for FM anyway so this saves a lot of work along with not having to hack about trying to rehouse the tuning controls.

As a bonus, you can use other external audio sources if you feel like it.
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I might want to try your suggestion as well as the project I'm working on now. What I have now is a completely disassembled shower 4.5v shower radio. I plan to get a 7805 for the final project to run it off 9v. I have located an input by prodding around the circuit, and this input lets the volume of the source (guitar) be controlled independantly of the radio volume, which is what I wanted. I plan to maybe add a photoresistor and find a circuit bend or two, and make it a stomp box that can let me do a huge variety of well as having a mini radio when I need it! The FM antennae seems to be just a wire, and I plan to house this thing in a plastic box to let the RF waves in easier. Any suggestions?

petey twofinger

add an antennae , that would be awesome . they also have lil jfet circuits (real simple) that are like active boosts for antennaes . you may need that .
im learning , we'll thats what i keep telling myself


Sounds good Petey! If I come up with cool final version, I'll post a youtube video.


you could etch a fractal antenna from a piece of copper clad and mount it on the outside of the box...

they look cool!
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