Area Note

Link a note to an area.

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Area Note creates a note for a location that is recalled when you enter the area.

The note is also displayed as a notification when you enter an area. Use it to remind yourself of people, things to buy, codes to enter. Area note uses the reminder app on your iPhone so you can share your lists among your friends or family. Because it uses the system reminders, energy use is maximized.

How to use

Run Area Note, then press the + button on the top right to add a note. Press Add when done. The location name and list are totally optional. If you click on the list name you have the option of creating your own list other than the default reminders list. If you run Area Note when you are in the note area, the note will be presented. If you have an Apple Watch, a notification will appear when you enter the area.

What is it for?

Area Note is great for reminding you about people you met at a location, for storing a code for a keypad, for reminding about things you need to do when you go back to a location. Because Area Note uses the Reminders app, you can share your lists with others and you can also edit your list entries.

It works great with the Apple Watch!

Your notes appear on your Apple Watch when you enter an area that has a note attached. If your watch supports GPS, the notes will appear even if you don’t have your iPhone around.


Area Note uses Toptal Subtle PatternsDisk librarySpotlight and Google Fonts.
Area Note is written by Aron Nelson in Hawaii.