Lost in transistion-help with DAFF

Started by Krunchy2, July 01, 2008, 07:44:38 PM

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Ive got an early dunlop JH Dallas arbiter fuzz face with NKT275s . My problem is that when I hit the fuzz I get lost in the band mix(the un processed sound was louder). It seems to lose highs around 2.5 khz . Adjusting volume or changing batteries makes no difference.Also when I played the fuzz solo the other bandmembers said it sounded like it made the notes go a bit sharp.Any suggestions on mods? :icon_rolleyes:


Whoops -Im new and didnt realize brand names were not allowed.I would edit the post if I knew how-sorry.


  Mods...only a ton or two for that circuit...
  best figured out with a circuit which can easily be modded.
  I have perfboarded a flexi-fuzz..a fuzz face topology, but trimpot Q2 and everything else easily moddable...such as starting with the 'large' resistor value, making the leads long enough to attach a parallel resistor above board [or 'clip on' a pot...clipwires] to try out the smaller values..and decide on a fixed value, also, using the 'large' value of capacitor, then adding series caps to them [building a smaller value for that position] by simply splicing them in the offboard wiring [such as to a switch lug or volumepot lug].
  I like cause it's always there to fiddle with when I get to feelin' froggy or the FF sounds fishlike...
  But mostly I just stick with the basic, slightly modded FF or Axis Face [Fuzzcentral], with the 'right' transistors biased in it, sometimes '1k2' or so worth of gain pot [more gain..Small Bear FF pot w/200 ohm added between ground and pot], 1k worth of ['470'..'top' resistor?] for a little more output, a touch of YAFF [Q1 emitter resistor]...
Convention creates following, following creates convention.

Ben N

Quote from: Krunchy2 on July 01, 2008, 10:41:48 PM
Whoops -Im new and didnt realize brand names were not allowed.
Why not?


Thanks for input . WHat is your view on just changing the 500k pot to a 1 meg pot or changing the cap values ? I did a spectrum analysis of the guitar pre and post fuzz and the clipping(fuzz) is flattening the wave form reducing the natural peaks.Increasing the output relative to the dry signal would offset this .Ive deduced that the fuzz didnt really efffect the root pitch but its compression increases the partials which fools listeners into thinking its going sharp!  Appreciate your ideas  8)