Crowded log pot in a neovibe

Started by Steveo77, August 25, 2012, 01:55:09 PM

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Hey All

If this has been beaten to death before. I appologize for bringing it up again.
I have searched the forum, but never found an answer that worked.

Just finished a Neovibe. Thanks RG, Awesome build!!!!!
Sounds amazing!!
Only one small problem, the speed control is crowded to one end.
I used the mouser 313-2420-100K log pot, as was listed on the parts list in the pdf.
Had to order a 2420(F) as the original was no longer offered.
From what I've read (and please go easy, I'm very much a noob at this), the pot seems to be acting like a lin pot.
I have this feeling that I miss understood the build instructions.

The build is in going in a normal enclouser (on its way from mammouth)
No mods to the build yet. Followed the plans in the pdf. Wanted to used it in its original way before playing with mods. 
PCB is from ggg. Most parts ordered from mouser, including all pots. The rest from a local electronics parts store. 
Setting the lamp to dim orange glow was no problem.
And like I said it sounds great, just no range in the speed control other then at the very end. 
If I had to live with it like this I could very happilly, but Im a bit of a perfectionist.

Thanks to ahead of time for any help


Isn't it a REVerse-audio taper??

Freq knobs usually are.

If I'm wrong, cite the link to R.G.'s NV page.


Nope your right.
Sorry didn't quote it quite right.
100k dual reverse log taper. Mouser # 313-2420-100k.
Unless mouser sent the wrong part, it should be what's installed.


Which end is crowded?


Both the original and the F replacement are log, not reverse log.  That would be the problem.  Linear would at least be better than log, if you can't find a reverse-log.  Or if you don't mind the speed control being backwards, just hook the log pot up backwards (use lugs 1 & 2 instead of 2 & 3).


small bear has the correct pot for that application



Ok I think I understand what I'm doing wrong. The speed pot listed on the pdf is only dual audio taper, not reverse.
I will probably just order the one from small bear. That seems to be solving other peoples problem.
Doing that would mean I should wire it in as per the updated wiring diagram.
Until that one arrives. Do I litterly just reverse the entire wiring on the pdf.

Updated wiring diagram
(c)     (d)  
 1--2   3
 4--5   6
would reversing look like this
(d)     (c)  
 1  2 --3
 4  5-- 6


that should neovibe speed control didnt work right until I replaced it with the small bear part..made a big difference