Started by deadastronaut, November 20, 2013, 12:50:02 PM

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ok, here it is...after a few months of frustration and breadboarding and getting help from samhay/slacker/merlin/ etc etc...thanks guys. ;)

introducing the ''CHASM REVERB''

i finally nailed this bugger...and thought it deserved its own thread. get your popcorn ready.... ;)

i was going to release the pdf's only by pm due to being ripped off recently by some brazillian @#$%er (long story)..but i can't be arsed with all that hassle. and goes against my sense of shared community etc.

and seems a shame to not share due to bad apples with no morals at all.....

however,  I will seriously re-iterate...this is NOT FOR COMMERCIAL USE...(as some @#$%ers don't seem to understand this phrase have been warned. :icon_evil:

anyway i have a batch of pcb's for this if people want them, £8.50 GBP each. (includes worldwide post/paypal fees)  pm me ok.

here are the files to print off your own pcb too....just don't take the piss ok!!! have been warned...seriously. :icon_evil:

verified :

happy building + merry xmas. ;)

chasm reverb/tremshifter/faze filter/abductor II delay/timestream reverb/dreamtime delay/skinwalker hi gain dist/black triangle OD/ nano drums/space patrol fuzz//


Sweet Reverb Rob.
Very nice indeed I love the tails thats great.
I've never used the bricks. Are they fragile? Hard to work with? How and where is it mounted?
BTW wheres the best place to source belton bricks pls? Uk based
Ma throats as dry as an overcooked kipper.

Smoke me a Kipper. I'll be back for breakfast.

Grey Paper.


Excellent!   Can not wait!! 


Damn Rob, another "must have"!
Sounds realy cool, thanks for sharing.
But where is the tone poti?
And what´s that Chorus?


deadastronaut has tails ..

being buffered is a good idea anyway most people will have this at the end /or near end of their chain...

i had this on a TB breadboard so i know the buffered bypass is the same sound as TB when tested... ;)

chasm reverb/tremshifter/faze filter/abductor II delay/timestream reverb/dreamtime delay/skinwalker hi gain dist/black triangle OD/ nano drums/space patrol fuzz//


Quote from: deadastronaut on November 20, 2013, 03:01:49 PM has tails ..

being buffered is a good idea anyway most people will have this at the end /or near end of their chain...

i had this on a TB breadboard so i know the buffered bypass is the same sound as TB when tested... ;)

Just yankin' your chain.. have been following the thread ;)

You're right, buffered at the end of the chain is not a bad thing..


Nice demo Rob - looks like it does everything you set out to do, and I can't hear a hint of pop.
Any chance you could post a schematic of the final version? I have lost track, and can't really face wading back through the other thread.

Now, for a Mk III, shall we aim for some modulation and a kitchen sink switch?

Oh - Rich, the bricks are pretty robust. You can break the pins off then (don't ask), and probably cook them if you try really really hard, but are no worse than any other IC. You can get them from das Musikding ( Postage should take about a week.
I'm a refugee of the great dropbox purge of '17.
Project details (schematics, layouts, etc) are slowly being added here:


Thanks Rob, Sam, Merlin, and all others who contributed to this! :)

Rob, I'll send you a PM for purchasing a couple of boards.
R.G. Keene: EXPECT there to be errors, and defeat them...


Rob, that´s a great pedal. Etched box, right? If it is, I´ve never seen a tidier etch. Ever!!

Hate to ask, because of what you commented about the ripoff, but: Will you release a schem? Or is it in the other thread? I always like to see a schem when building.

Thanks for sharing.


Looks and sounds great!

Does anyone know where I can get a brick in or near New Zealand? All the websites I've checked work out at around NZ$30 per brick, with about NZ$10 of that being shipping...  >:(
If at first you don't succeed... use bigger transistors!


Quote from: psychedelicfish on November 20, 2013, 03:34:31 PM
Looks and sounds great!

Does anyone know where I can get a brick in or near New Zealand? All the websites I've checked work out at around NZ$30 per brick, with about NZ$10 of that being shipping...  >:(

Try   They are around $14. I don't know what shipping to NZ would be.

I'm sorry sir, we only have the regular ohms.


Great looking and sounding pedal.

Any chance of getting a gut shot to see how you stuffed all the goodies in the box?



Rob...your killing going to have to make another one now :)

Edit: Heres another sound sample for you to critique of the chasm reverb.  It was an early iteration (flying saucer reverb) but assume it still sounds much the same as this newer version.  I cant praise this reverb enough.  I use it ALL THE TIME:

Pedal Parts Shop                Youtube


This is incredible! Nicely done, sir  ;D


Wowww! Good work on reverb!! Care to share graphics? Its awesome! Im definetely biulding this
--Is there any body out there??--

John Lyons

Thanks for posting Rob.
Are you going to post the schematic or is it in the other thread?
Basic Audio Pedals


Could someone please confirm this BOM based on Rob's layout? (

Chasm Reverb

Pwr 1N4001x 1
D1-D4 1N4148 x 4

2N5457 (JFET) x 2
2N7000 (MOSFET) x 1

IC1 TL074 x 1
VReg LM7805 x 1
Rvb BTDR 2-H L x 1

100nF x 3
10nF x 1
100pF x 3
470nF x 1
1μF NP X 1
10μF x 6
47μF x 1
100μF x 2

100R x 1
1k x 4
2.2k x 2
5.6k x 1
10k x 4
22K x 5
47k x 1
56k x 1
100k x 1
1M x 1

B10k x 2
B22k x 1 (sub B25k)
A100k x 1

Jumpers x 3

LED x 1

SPDT x 1
DPDT mom x 1

Rob-Also please let me know if you see anything out of whack. Thanks!
R.G. Keene: EXPECT there to be errors, and defeat them...


Nice work Rob!

Just wondering, no more tails switch?
Quote from: frequencycentral
You squeezed it into a 1590A - you insane fool!  :icon_mrgreen:
Quote from: Scruffie
Well this... this is just silly... this can't fit in a 1590B... can it? And you're not even using SMD you mad man!