Wood finish enclosures

Started by jez79, November 10, 2015, 09:19:36 PM

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how rude of me ..... SPECIAL props to bluebunny, without whom's careful checking and vetting of my cordwood perf layouts, well, I'd get nothing at all built. so thanks blue.
I had a slight fever


My First (almost finished) build: PROJECT deep BLUE BOOK delay

My second attempt, not finished yet:MAGNUS Avrilius Martius Junius Julius Augustus Cumulus Nimbus Paparus MODULUS . (no faceplate and knobs yet)

Theese and any other, are going to seat by the side of the Moog. (I'm going to need another shelf)

The duo (so far) seating side by side. Immagine the Magnus looking like the Project Blue Book (OK its a Deep Blue Delay clone)


cardboard pedals go in a different thread. but the finger joints one can stay. very nice. and it will be a long time lettering that latin pedal, won't it?
I had a slight fever


It's just a temp for testing the geography of things. And yes that long latin name  I think needs a box of its own to fit in  ;)


Quote from: Costas on March 28, 2019, 07:07:56 PM
And yes that long latin name  I think needs a box of its own to fit in  ;)

The 1590BX2 is quite wide:

Room for lots of words.  :icon_biggrin:
Ohm's Law - much like Coles Law, but with less cabbage...


here is the 409 distortion - a distortion + a-like, with clip select, anti-gain and top-cut.

this would have been finished a long time ago, except my original geegaw proved unbuildable. in the end, I just bent some wire. it was meant to look more like an atomic ray gun, but ended up looking like a '51 Nash Healey. or a '57 Nash Rambler.

I'm just glad it's done and I don't have to think aboot it anymore. set-screw knobs on spline [cut down] shaft pots, nosing and standing too high, it has a batter snap, but there is not enough room for said batter. and bloody hell - I hate painting.

nice bit of pine floorboard Groomie found in an old terrace house. I had to cut around all the borer holes, but it has wonderful grain and depth and sparkle.
I had a slight fever


Very nicely done, mate.  Something of the caped crusader about it.   :icon_cool:
Ohm's Law - much like Coles Law, but with less cabbage...


I love it duck, reminds me of a classic 50s car with a big grill and fins on the back. From the side view, looks like it wants to take off. Sweet!

Floor-mat at the front entrance to my former place of employment. Oh... the irony.


Really sweet!
The fin-type sides is a nice find.
How do you close the bottom?


EK Holden.

jacks on vero w/ bits of mill bypass, switch and pots on veros, build on perf. the red leds look funny when lit - like devil's eyes.

wasn't going to post guts cause how hard it was to expose, but here see - there is an Al bracket in rebates either end, held w/ jax one end and geegaw/rivet the other end. the wood pinning [video cassette] screws pass thru as well. then a plain plank o' steel sits in those long rebates, screws, rubber non-slip gunk. bosh. brrmm.
I had a slight fever


last for the year for me. a superfuzz-a-like, with diode lift. oiled chookyard gum tree wood panels, bent computer steel, etc.

let me tell you - when I saw them in the Rockby specials flyer, I said Woe-ooh, black bezels, bamm-bah lamb. and then it took 5 weeks for them to get here. from Melbourne. what a saga that was.

the pink bits, now all safely hidden away. don't know why I put the batter snap, there is no way to open the case to get to it.
I had a slight fever


Great job Stephen. Quality bending and a nice bit of wood what's not to like.
Ma throats as dry as an overcooked kipper.

Smoke me a Kipper. I'll be back for breakfast.

Grey Paper.


here's the outers goes with the pinks shown in the cordwood thread .....

a pixie shoes crackbox fuzz. used odd assortment of pulled/swapped old transistors, whatever else I could find to make it go together. I think it was Rutabga Bob put me onto the circuit originally - it has some pretty oarfull splutter/fart gating sounds, but there's also some stinging singing overtoning sustaining forevers to be had at the opposite end of the dials. the hi-pass tone control will produce the thickest mudd you've ever heard from a crackbox - dunno why they designed it so darkly.

prepared end is just furniture polished. crack end untreated, original dirt retained for mojo. dragonflies was as close as I had to pixies.

wood is either grey box or yellow box - we aren't sure, I'm no expert. the guy told me he was cutting-up old fence posts on hizz property, so I asked him wot they was like inside, thinking 100 years in a field would season the wood pretty good. and so he looked, and ever since has been sending me bits of wood he's run thru his mill/plane tools.

one bit he sent was to show me the silver of the weathered exterior, so I stabilised the crack w/ glued cloth and battens, buzzzed it thinner w/ the router, jambed it in one end as the crack panel. the bit left over was size enough for the other end, so I made the mistake of buzzzing that bit thinner from the weathered face - the cracks are visibile as black lines on the polished end.

those holes might look misshapen and outta-round - that's because the cracks opened some under cutting-tool pressure, then relaxed back to not-round. that's my excuse. I give myself an F overall, cause one end sits nice flush and the other hangs way out. boo on measures and wood tools.
I had a slight fever


I got some awesome troubleshooting help the other day on my first visit to the forum, and someone (duck_arse) on that thread mentioned i should check out this thread on wooden enclosures.  there are a bunch of great builds here!  i'm excited to get connected with other woodworkers/pedal builders and will have to spend more time with earlier posts.  already  giving me some ideas...
Here are a few i've built recently...


Absolutely stunning work!  Did you make the knobs yourself?

(Can I encourage you to get rid of the plastic washers without offending you?)
Technical difficulties.  Please stand by.


Thanks for the compliment!
And, ha, no offense at all.  you're right: i need to ditch those plastic washers.  i guess i was lazy and just put on what came with the switch.  I'm going to go back into the thread and see what others use, but do you use regular metal washers?  or the locking ones that come with the switch?  or something else?
and, yeah, i made the knobs.  it's kind of time consuming (what isn't?), but i make a whole bunch at a time so i've usually got some laying around for a project.


Quote from: mtdelcon on February 07, 2020, 03:33:07 PM
... but do you use regular metal washers?  or the locking ones that come with the switch?  or something else?
I use thin metal washers.  I wouldn't use lock washers on the outside of an enclosure.

bluebunny is always watching.  :icon_eek: :icon_razz:
Technical difficulties.  Please stand by.


Custom parametric mids EQ (Catalinbread VarioBoost clone) with soft touch switching in a one-off wooden/bent steel enclosure. Made it for a buddy and his band's name/logo is on the badge. The badge is 3D printed in resin and painted.

An in process shot:



I'm going to redo the name badge as the screw holes were just a bit off and made the lower edge bend upwards, not to mention gashing the lower line of text with a screwdriver. But he's excited to use and they're going into the studio in a few weeks, so hopefully it'll be a useful tool in that process. Here's their Spotify link if anyone fancies a listen: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6vHP2UiHTuZKRBVhtx2nFe


A little soon for "Since 2019" innit?


Quote from: EBK on February 07, 2020, 05:52:12 PM
I use thin metal washers.  I wouldn't use lock washers on the outside of an enclosure.

bluebunny is always watching.  :icon_eek: :icon_razz:

I'd also make sure the locking notch on the footswitch faces south, but let's not go there...   :icon_rolleyes:

Quote from: storyboardist on February 07, 2020, 05:59:13 PM

Gorgeous!  :icon_cool:
Ohm's Law - much like Coles Law, but with less cabbage...