Show me your 1590LB enclosures/pedals

Started by adielricci, February 25, 2017, 09:11:50 AM

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To start this topic, let me show you an original(ish) circuit, an overdriver/distortion/fuzz based upon the 3-Legged Dog.  The GaeBolg is really nasty.


adiel - let me be the first to ask - is the black plastic insulator I see in your wonderful pedals cut from a video cassette sleeve?

is a GaeBolg anything like a firbolg?
I had a slight fever


Quote from: duck_arse on February 25, 2017, 09:28:50 AM
adiel - let me be the first to ask - is the black plastic insulator I see in your wonderful pedals cut from a video cassette sleeve?

is a GaeBolg anything like a firbolg?

Duck_arse, the plastic insulator is just a plastic cover used in spiral bindings.

The GaeBolg is an ancient magic spear from the Irish mythology.  Once it entered the victim's body, it would divide itself into about 30 spikes, and could only be removed by slicing the corpse...


It seems me any kind of leather shape  ??? Or something like this.
Now mine one on the correct thread  ;D

Adiel, not care about the old Duck, he is only envy about your rich golden color ;) He only has gilamonster cloth and poor street cats for do his pedals.
QuoteThe GaeBolg is an ancient magic spear from the Irish mythology.  Once it entered the victim's body, it would divide itself into about 30 spikes, and could only be removed by slicing the corpse...
:icon_eek: Violent enough for me!!!!!  8) 8) 8) 8)
That's all, Folks!

"Are you on drugs?"
-ARSE, Duck.


Quote from: GiovannyS10 on February 25, 2017, 09:36:08 AM
Adiel, not care about the old Duck, he is only envy about your rich golden color ;) He only has gilamonster cloth and poor street cats for do his pedals.

:o  ;D

Quote from: GiovannyS10 on February 25, 2017, 09:36:08 AM
:icon_eek: Violent enough for me!!!!!  8) 8) 8) 8)

Yo!  You will like its story, then! 


Those are insane. I'd rather do nothing but smd for a build than try and shoehorn stuff into those tiny enclosures.


Quote from: alanp on February 25, 2017, 09:49:07 PM
Those are insane. I'd rather do nothing but smd for a build than try and shoehorn stuff into those tiny enclosures.

Using SMDs is like playing tennis with the net down...  ;)

Another build, an optical Tremolo:

Addy Bart

Kudos to you for getting all that inside such a tiny enclosure.

What jacks are you using for these?


Quote from: Addy Bart on February 27, 2017, 03:24:10 PM
What jacks are you using for these?

Thanks!  I use this type of jacks, but they have to be trimmed to fit.


Fresh from the workshop, a tiny Rat.

Layout by Gaussmarkov:


A friend asked for an A/B pedal. He is always complaining that he doesn't have enough room on his pedal board, so I did this. I think he was expecting something more in the size of a 1590B, and was pleasantly surprised when i handed him this.   
I don't know how you guys who build more complicated stuff in these LB enclosures do it. For me, figuring out where everything went was only part of it: I ended up having to also write down the ORDER that things got put in, in order to get everything in there! lol
It gave me a newfound respect for you guys who use these enclosures on a regular bases..

Marcos - Munky


Nice work, Hylandren!  :)

Another lesser Orange Squeezer.



wouldn't the one-knob squeezer [giggedy] be the lesser, and the double knobbed the greater? you've got that look sorted, haven't you?
I had a slight fever


It makes sense, Duck_arse...  :icon_lol:

Here is another one, a PT2399 Delay:


Crazy builds!
(and I thought that 1590A were small....)


Another build, based upon the Phase 45, layout by Solderman, modified to fit.


seems like (another!) a nice build, adiel, but a seriously wasteful method for storing cigarette papers.

[you ever going to get a LP gold top to complement the pedalboard?]
I had a slight fever


Yep.  The copper trails were too close to the enclosure, so I had to isolate them with whatever I had lying around...  ::)


I plan to never build a 1590LB ever, but I want you all to know that approve of you doing it ;D
"Some people love music the way other people love chocolate. Some of us love music the way other people love oxygen."