Digitech WH-1 - Anyone know the eprom chip models? + ROMs?

Started by MüThing, March 29, 2017, 07:42:36 PM

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I ordered that rotary after you posted this in January. It still hasn't arrived. He keeps saying wait two weeks. Lol


It's been just a little while, things have come and gone that have made doing any more on this project not any easier, but I'm back on top of it now and I hope I'm on the home straight.

Mitch, I'm awfully sorry to hear the encoder didn't arrive in such a timely fashion, I hope you either got a refund from them without much trouble or they eventually got it to you and reimbursed you in some way or another.

As for dumping the PROMs, I've taken the time to build a proper 82S147 -> 2716 adapter board (as proper as my skills will allow) and take some new dumps of both 82S147 chips.

They show up just fine in my programmers software and are different from the dumps that I took back in 2017. I have all of the resources to build another pair of 2716 -> 82s147 boards, and am waiting to receive some more 2716 EPROMs as the ones that I tried months back seemed to be corrupted and wouldn't erase (their contents would change with every read I took, even when done seconds apart).


I ended up reordering abd it showed up. Apparently the first order didn't go through and I wasn't even charged.



Quote from: Prehistoricman on November 14, 2018, 04:05:16 PM
Would you upload your new ROM dumps? Thanks

Sure, I'd honestly forgotten to do this sooner: HERE!

Bear in mind they're still in the raw 2kb dump format due to being read as a 2716, but I imagine it'd be easy to trim the excess.


Any updates on your project? I'm having slight problems with my Whammy in terms of Bypass signal being mixed with original signal on Whammy mode. I don't know how to address it hence I found this thread being very informative.



I think the point was to dump the roms. Which he already did. That's as far as the project was supposed to go.


Do you know the firmware version of the eprom  for the .bin files you uploaded? I'm assuming it's V2, but I think I need V3.


Quote from: MüThing on November 16, 2018, 06:08:34 PM
Quote from: Prehistoricman on November 14, 2018, 04:05:16 PM
Would you upload your new ROM dumps? Thanks

Sure, I'd honestly forgotten to do this sooner: HERE!

Bear in mind they're still in the raw 2kb dump format due to being read as a 2716, but I imagine it'd be easy to trim the excess.


Quote from: MüThing on November 10, 2018, 04:25:38 PM
It's been just a little while, things have come and gone that have made doing any more on this project not any easier, but I'm back on top of it now and I hope I'm on the home straight.

Mitch, I'm awfully sorry to hear the encoder didn't arrive in such a timely fashion, I hope you either got a refund from them without much trouble or they eventually got it to you and reimbursed you in some way or another.

As for dumping the PROMs, I've taken the time to build a proper 82S147 -> 2716 adapter board (as proper as my skills will allow) and take some new dumps of both 82S147 chips.

They show up just fine in my programmers software and are different from the dumps that I took back in 2017. I have all of the resources to build another pair of 2716 -> 82s147 boards, and am waiting to receive some more 2716 EPROMs as the ones that I tried months back seemed to be corrupted and wouldn't erase (their contents would change with every read I took, even when done seconds apart).

Hey mate you've got any progress on these??


Quote from: AdrianM55 on February 08, 2021, 03:06:20 PM
Hey mate you've got any progress on these??

Funny you should ask..

I've gotten back into this project as of late and have a set of adapter PCBs designed and on my way here. One being a revised version of the TL866 adapter monstrosity you've already seen, and the other a (hopefully) fitted dual adapter to go to a pair of W27C512s. I also went and checked the continuity between my good and bad whammy rotary encoders and wrote up a pseudo truth table for them.


I don't want to disappoint anyone but... it didnt work  :-[

There's probably something else I'm missing but I'm not certain what it could be at this point. Just need some more time and patience and I'll get there. At least I'm confident these new roms are complete and functional, and I'm sure a pair of burnt 82S147 chips would be a fine solution in the end.


I would say don't give up as you're closer than anyone so far :) holy grail is waiting.


I know it's been 3 years, but hopefully I can still get some assistance.  I read through the blog, and have some questions.  Long story short, I had a WH-1 come in that wasn't working: no effect, LED didn't cycle, don't even remember if bypass worked, but all of my voltages were correct.  Because the LED cycle wasn't working, I replaced the non-socketed large IC under U22 (don't remember the chip or designation) with no change.  I acquired another WH-1 recently that had other problems, but the effect worked properly, so I decided it was a good time to swap more ICs.  I swapped U22, the LED started to function properly, but still didn't have any effect, and the pedal after a few seconds seemed to lock up.  Additionally swapped U10 & U11 and the pedal came back to life perfectly.
My question is for replacing U22, U10, & U11.  Was the idea of the adapter PCB only due to the price of the 82S147?  I have one of those CH341 programmers that I've only ever used for 8 and 16 pin ICs, BIOS chips, etc.  If I get some kind of bigger IC programmer, would I be able to just rip the data of the 3 good ICs to my PC and write the data to new replacement ICs?  Looks like the 82S147 could be acquired for maybe $13.