npn fuzz face variant high pitched noise from power supply

Started by twoheadedfetus, October 06, 2018, 03:06:44 PM

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I breadboarded a custom variant of a npn silicon fuzz face and it worked perfectly on the breadboard, but now that I've put it in an enclosure theres a high pitched ringing whenever the pedal is on. Ive found out that its coming from the power supply, but there werent any problems with it on the breadboard, and I have a capacitor that should be filtering it.

here is the schematic:

here is the layout on the pcb:

the blue wires are the input and the output, the red wire is for the power, the black wires are ground, and in the real version the pots go directly onto the pcb

C5 is a 470uF cap, why is it not filtering the noise out of the power supply?

ive read that long wires can cause noise like this too, I've used the same wires in my previous distortion pedal that has no noise issues at all with the same power supply too

What could I try to fix it?


Put a small resistor (47R or so) in series between power in and filter cap.  Put a small ceramic cap (100n or so) in parallel with your electrolytic filter.  That should be an improvement, but may not get rid of all the noise.


I had some 220R resistors lying around and I added that before the cap and its acceptable now, thanks