Replacement switch for Cathedral stereo reverb and Holy Grail

Started by jalexquijano, July 13, 2020, 01:35:09 PM

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I own an EHX Cathedral Stereo Reverb and Holy Grail which generate clicking noise whenever engaged.  WIll replacing the switch with this one on both pedals eliminate the clicking noise whenever I put my foot on?



I'm pretty sure the cathedral using latching switches so the answer would be no. Momentary switches can only be used in conjunction with something else that does the switching, relay or fets etc

EDIT: I cant find a gut shot anywhere but i'm certain they both use either a 3pdt or dpdt switch


And when you say it generates a clicking noise, do you mean the actual noise from the switch latching or a click/pop in your audio which comes through your amp?


when you step on it, it generates click pop heard on the guitar tube amplifiers


If it's super loud it maybe be a problem with the switch. A lot of effects suffer from switch popping but with big companies like EHX i can't imagine they haven't included all the usual anti-pop stuff like pull down resistors etc. You could try and replace the switch for one which is the same but if the switch is mounted directly on the PCB as i imagine it is it will probably be more trouble than its worth.

DIY Bass

I have an EHQ Bass Big Muff.  The footswitches on that are on PCBs, but each switch has it's own small PCB with just the switch.  When I replaced it I did remove the switch from the PCB and put the new one onto the PCB, but you could have just wired up the switch without the PCB and it would have worked.