7PDT for AB looper switcher vocal pedal ?

Started by ArthurY, April 18, 2021, 08:39:02 PM

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Yes i do think so that without led i can make it with a 4PDT but i really want to explore all the solutions to try to put some led. But im starting to think that there is none. I have to make relays which i can't.

By the way i buy the 6PDT you sent me. But i receive that : https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.digikey.com%2Fphotos%2FCK%2520Comp%2520Photos%2FF6UEE.JPG&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.digikey.fr%2Fproduct-detail%2Ffr%2Fc-k%2FF6UEE%2FCKN9666-ND%2F2054944&tbnid=xbHwAMya-x4DNM&vet=12ahUKEwij16CLio_wAhVWgc4BHWtaCoQQMygBegQIARA1..i&docid=RsbJnyeGHA-10M&w=640&h=640&itg=1&q=F6UEE&ved=2ahUKEwij16CLio_wAhVWgc4BHWtaCoQQMygBegQIARA1

The one on the image you sent and the one i received is not the same serie. And the one i need is not manufactured anymore  :'(


EDIT : I've double the message by mistake



That switch looks OK to me. You'll only use 4 poles for the signals so you have 2 poles left for the leds (4 leds maximum  :))

Good luck!



Hi, i agree that i have enough poles but i can't screw  the switch on the enclosure. It's not made for it


Why can't you use relays? It's the best solution under the circumstances and you get indicator LEDs for free (no need to use up a switch pole).
Quote from: R.G. on July 31, 2018, 10:34:30 PMDoes the circuit sound better when oriented to magnetic north under a pyramid?


Quote from: ArthurY on April 21, 2021, 01:30:03 PM
Hi, i agree that i have enough poles but i can't screw  the switch on the enclosure. It's not made for it
That's true it's not your normal footswitch. It isn't even a footswitch but a push-button. Solution could be, if you want to use a "normal"enclosure, like a Hammond 1590b or 125B, to have it go through the side of the enclosure and push it with your finger (or very carefully with your foot). Maybe in combination with an actuator like this:


Theorically you could this with the switch on top but I think you'd end up with a very tall enclosure.

Otherwise a 4PDT footswitch on top but then without the leds.


Ok so im going with the relay and pbc solution
I keep you in touch :)