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Can I use these diodes

Started by Guitarist335, August 10, 2020, 10:24:17 AM

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I am new to building stompboxes.  I purchased some diodes that were called for in a specific stomp box schematic, but I also purchased an assortment of electronics components that included different types of diodes. This is the assortment (1390Pcs) Electronic Components Set 5 Colors LED Diodes Transistor Electrolytic Capacitors Resistors Kit

I am wondering if the included diodes in this assortment can be used for distortion or overdrive stompboxes

Thanks for your help


yes. that's not to say they will be the thing you are looking for, you can only shove them in and have a listen. some are rectifiers, for power supplies, some are fast, some higher volts, some higher currents. and there is some schottkys there as well, can be supply protection or low level clippers.

but you will need to consult the datasheet for each type number, and then decide.
I had a slight fever


+1.  The 4148 and 1N4001- 4007 series have very similar clipping characteristics and are used in a ton of stompbox designs, both for feedback clipping and for clipping to ground.  The Schottkys can approximate the low clipping threshold of germanium diodes. You can also use your LEDs for clipping, they're seen in lots of designs.  The reds tend to have the lowest forward voltage (clip threshold) of the LEDs, but higher than the diodes.  Going up the spectrum (red-orange-yellow etc, ROYGBIV) the LED forward voltage will usually increase.  Use sockets and try them all! 



passing spammers please take note: no, you can't use these diodes.
I had a slight fever


Hello, Just another Diode Clipping Question to those in the know. For 3 diodes in parralel - 2 in one direction the other opposite direction, can this achieve any sort of clipping different to just 2 opposite direction diodes?? See attached image to what I am looking at. Thanks :D


I'd say no, I don't know of a way in which two diodes in parallel will do something different than just the lower fV diode by itself.


Yep, this.^  Once the diode with the lower VF starts to conduct, the other one doesn't get a look-in.
Ohm's Law - much like Coles Law, but with less cabbage...


+1.  However, 2 in series in one direction will add their Vf and give you asymmetrical clipping.  Or you can use one diode in each direction, but of different types (one silicon, one LED for example.)


Quote from: idy on May 08, 2022, 01:33:35 AM
I'd say no, I don't know of a way in which two diodes in parallel will do something different than just the lower fV diode by itself.

Quote from: bluebunny on May 08, 2022, 05:38:15 AM
Yep, this.^  Once the diode with the lower VF starts to conduct, the other one doesn't get a look-in.

I've seen a yt vid that ?proves? otherwise. The theory is that because the two diodes are in parallel, the current flowing through each is halved. And the forward voltage of a diode drops at lower currents, therefore the clipping threshold would drop.