Trimpots in a Minibooster stage?

Started by Bucksears, May 18, 2005, 09:11:37 PM

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I'm thinking about reworking my VoxEXP and MiniTubes layouts to include trimpots to adjust the voltage like the ROG and Electrictabs circuits.

Is this unnecessary in a distortion circuit with Minibooster stages such as the BSIAB, MiniTubes and VoxEXP?

If I COULD put adjustable trimmers in, where would they go? At the drain of the Q receiving the 9v power?

- Buck



You don't need a trimpot for the minibooster stage because it is fairly predictable unlike single FET amps with a drain and source resistor.  For the latter, you can put a trimmer in the drain or source generally speaking.  If put in the drain, the trimmer will not only adjust the bias but will also have a direct impact on the circuit gain although this may not be very critical.  It just depends on what you are trying to do.  If a circuit doesn't have a trim then it probably doesn't need one by design.


It doesn't need it.

What you can experiment with is adjusting the voltages to different stages to get different "feels".



Thanks guys. I guess the only reason I'm asking is because the BSIAB II added an internal trimmer and it uses Minibooster stages.
I'll probably just leave it as-is.

Thanks again,
- Buck