Feedback Loop Tonestack

Started by WGTP, February 03, 2006, 04:49:08 PM

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Has anyone tried a Marshal type tonestack in a feedback loop?  I guess it would boost frequencies instead of cut them.  This has probably already been done and I just missed it.  Thanks.   :icon_cool:
Stomping Out Sparks & Flames


I have never tried it. Please let us know.


Sort of..yes and no. I experimented with implementing a clean boost into several different tone stacks (marshall, vox, and different combinations of low/high pass filters), though I had them between a rack preamp (ada mp-1) and a power amp. It worked all right -- didn't sound like a marshall or vox of course, but it worked decent!  :icon_lol: )

Hope that helps! :)



All other things being equal, It should work like an "ANTI" tone control with all boost and no cut.  But if you wired the controls backwards... :icon_cool:
Stomping Out Sparks & Flames

no one ever

funny how it takes a while to work out the logic of feedback loops, when the truth unfolds before your ears in a split-second once you try it.

(chk chk chk)