DIY Layout Creator - software for easy drawing PCB, vero and perfboard layouts

Started by bancika, May 01, 2006, 08:00:21 PM

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v4.13 and v4.14 are utterly broken using Linux. Had to revert back to v4.12. Both lock completely up on the splash screen requiring a log out or restart.
Speaking of which... does the program even need the splash? It's ALWAYS been slow and just sits there on top of everything else your doing until the program completely loads. I don't understand the need for a popup that tells me what I just clicked on and ran. And why is it animated? The animation is what it slows down on since... forever.
It's just so frustrating.
Also why no .deb since v4.10?
That said, 4.12 is a pleasure to use and I enjoy using it. Thanks.


Was able to get v.4.16 running using the flatpack install.

Why is there no link to this install on the github? After seeing reference to the flatpack there, I had to search and find it on Flathub.

This version runs BUT it will not allow me to access my storage drive. It also will not even allow me to open files from the desktop. Why change that functionality? Now to reopen any of my old .diy files I have to copy them over to my Documents folder (which I do not use for anything!) and then copy them back to storage when done editing.

It also has rejected importing my old variant.xml requiring me to redo all of that.



^ yes, "why"

Why are you being a demanding whiney jerk about free software? What do you imagine Bancika to do when/if he reads that, drop everything and attend to your wants because you're a loyal, paying customer?
"...and weird on top!"


Quote from: garcho on January 29, 2021, 10:57:45 AM
^ yes, "why"

Why are you being a demanding whiney jerk about free software? What do you imagine Bancika to do when/if he reads that, drop everything and attend to your wants because you're a loyal, paying customer?

Bringing up issues is not whining unless your skin is a mill thick. How is anyone supposed to know there are issues unless they are mentioned? Telepathy?


Quote from: Axldeziak on January 29, 2021, 11:02:46 AM
Bringing up issues is not whining unless your skin is a mill thick. How is anyone supposed to know there are issues unless they are mentioned? Telepathy?

Report them on the DIYLC GitHub page not here. This is just a topic used by forum members to help each other, it's not in any way an official support resource or issue tracker.

Ben N

Anybody figure out how to center and connect TO-92s to perf using version 4.17.0? It's been a while since I used DIYLC, but I don't remember having this issue before where the part doesn't line up with the pads and the center lead is lost.

Edit: Ah, wait--is the answer just to change the pin spacing on the TO-92 to 0.1"/2.54mm?


I had noticed that TO-92s would suddenly get 0.05" pin spacing whenever I opened the edit window (usually to change a label or rotation).  But it's not a big deal and I spot it happening now.
Ohm's Law - much like Coles Law, but with less cabbage...


Quote from: bancika on May 01, 2006, 08:00:21 PM
I'm thinking about making piece of software for speeding up drawing perfboard and vero layouts. It would have library with components and user would drag&drop them over board. Also, it would have it's own format and ability to save to gif/jpg.
And of course, it would be freeware :)
Would this be useful, should I waste my time on this?

I will be very useful ..

Ben N

I love using DIYLC, but I seem to be missing something when it comes to saving as a graphic and printing. Everything comes out tiny, almost like a thumbnail. Can someone steer me in the right direction to save and print layouts at page size?
I'm using v. 4.17 on Windows 10.


This works for me on multiple devices.

Save as PDF
Open PDF in Acrobat and print with NO scaling
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein

Ben N

Thanks, Kevin. I assume you mean Export as PDF? My "Save As" only has ".diy" as an option.


Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein

Ben N



If it's still too small then, in all likelihood, the image is being shrunk to fit the page. In the printing dialogue, look for things like 'fit to page', enlarge or reduce, and the plain old print at 100%
On my printer, there are 2 such options and both have to be set correctly. One in Acrobat, the other in the printer setup option
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein

Ben N

Yup, Kevin, that's what I suspected, but the file (either png or pdf) opened small in the native program. But it does appear that the file was originally saving with a lot of white space, so maybe that's where the resizing issue arises. I finally managed to print it large by cropping and rescaling it in GIMP. But there must be a better way, that I'm just too obtuse/tech challenged to figure out.

BTW, I searched for print issues in this thread, and they all seem to be the opposite: scaling down for a correctly scaled pcb pattern. I want it large (fit to page) so I don't strain my ancient eyes and make mistakes while populating perf (and pcbs).


in diylc, find the top left-most corner of your layout page. how far away from the top left-most edge of the board is it? the default new-file page size is absolutely huge - you need to drag your board to the upper corner, then resize the page in [right click] "edit project settings".
I had a slight fever

Ben N


Onion Ring Modulator

Why do my resistors keep folding over like this? There must be a setting I need to change, but I've looked around at everything and can't figure it out.


The default length of your resistor is too long to fit between the five rows you've shown.  You can change this in the properties per component, or as a default size.  The same is true for all components.

Measure some real resistors (and caps, and ...), then you'll end up with a layout which is pretty close to reality when you come to stuff your board.
Ohm's Law - much like Coles Law, but with less cabbage...