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Atari Punk Console

Started by z1, June 23, 2006, 10:32:30 AM

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i'm looking into building a simple oscillator to use for noise/weird soundscapes...
found this schematic and sample at
has anyone here build an Atari Punk console? any tips, confirms, remarks?  8)
any other suggestions to build would be nice too, pref. on perfboard  :)


Hi and welcome to the forum!
Haven't built it, but since a 556 is a dual 555 (though I don't know the pinout of it), it looks to me (and sounds) that you actually have 2 oxcillators in that circuit. Also, it sounds like they are synced together. It's looks pretty simple, so google for 556 "datasheet", pull out the solderless breadboard, and try it out! :icon_biggrin:
Since it's so simple (few components), you should try making your own layout for perfboard or veroboard. I've found that I learn so much more about circuits when I breadboard first and then do my own layout (if it's not too complicated - baby steps!). Even though it sometimes takes hours for me to get it working on breadboard, I've done it so may times, that I know I will get it right eventually.

Speaking of simple oscillators: Right now I'm playing around with this:

Dead simple, and when I get the ribbon going, it will actually be playable!  :icon_cool:

Have lots of fun!

Check out some free drum loops and other sounds at my site:



i have to admit i dont have a breadboard (yet)  :-[  but thanks for the advice, i think i can manage to put it together :)

that synthstick looks great, i'll look into it for perhaps a future build :)

tiges_ tendres

yes, I have built it!

It is a pretty brutal noisemaker.  The controls work with each other.  as you move one, the other gets affected. 

One pot kind of changes pitch to a certain extent, and the other makes it sort of wobble.  Like an expansion I suppose.  Kind of hard to describe.

lots of bleeps and bloops and sometimes sounds like the video game "pole position"

I have mine set up with  pots, but with a switch so that I can change to and LDR for one parameter, and a pot for another.
Try a little tenderness.

Peter Snowberg

I used to have a noise box that was just about the same. It was a fun little noise naker.  :icon_biggrin:

If you add a volume pot to the end of the circuit and then plug that into a delay pedal set for big feedback, you can get some rather whacked noise. :icon_twisted:
Eschew paradigm obfuscation

hank reynolds 3rd

do the  470k pots change the frequency of the oscillators???
just wondered as to the possibility of putting one/both under envelope control,kinda like having the env section of the meatball/mcmeat or Stephen Giles' royal filter bit....

tiges_ tendres

Quote from: hank reynolds 3rd on June 23, 2006, 04:12:58 PM
do the  470k pots change the frequency of the oscillators???
just wondered as to the possibility of putting one/both under envelope control,kinda like having the env section of the meatball/mcmeat or Stephen Giles' royal filter bit....

I think they change the voltage that the circuit gets, which affects pitch and oscilation.
Try a little tenderness.

Ed G.

I don't know if you'd be interested in this, but wampcat came up with this and it sounds too freakin' cool. Take a tube screamer and solder one wire across two pins and you end up with a guitar synth.....


I did a quick vero layout for the Atari Punk's not verified yet, but should be just fine....



I'm going to need to try this, it looks pretty sweet.
Life is what you make it.


I built one of these on perfboard yesterday, quick and easy.  I added a simple on/off switch that connects or disconnects the battery.  Sounds excellent, tons of sounds to be had from twisting around on those two knobs, from video game sounds to analog synth sounds to trippy I just need some 70's hand held video game or calculator or something to pop this into...

Wild Zebra

  This looks cool too!
I'm gonna have to make that atari console.  Thanks for the layout Dragonfly.
"your stripes are killer bro"


Quote from: Dragonfly on June 25, 2006, 05:55:41 PM
I did a quick vero layout for the Atari Punk's not verified yet, but should be just fine....


thanks a lot!  :icon_biggrin:


btw...on the layout, if you use a TRS plug for the output, and wire the negative lead from the battery to the ring, it'll automatically disconnect the battery when there is no cable plugged in to it....

just a thought...i'll probably modify the layout later.



I only see one jack in picture. where would the input be? Is there not supposed to be one, or am i
not understanding this right? Thanks.


Quote from: fixr1984 on June 26, 2006, 10:18:36 PM
I only see one jack in picture. where would the input be? Is there not supposed to be one, or am i
not understanding this right? Thanks.

hi ...its not a "pedal"...its a "noisemaker" !  a standalone box, if you will....



If you want to try hooking a guitar up to an oscillator, look for the UglyFace.
I love the smell of solder in the morning.


I breadboarded this thing the other day using two 555s instead of the 556. It really does do the old video game sounds well. I think I'm going to try figuring out some mods for a while to see what else can be done with it.
These application notes from Phillips have some good info on the 555/556 if anyone's interested:


What's a -4 decibel output? 


Here's a schematic you can use for making this circuit with two 555s instead of the 556:

*Edit: fixed pin 1 ground connections and added 100K volume control.