An other Whammy MIDI question

Started by ianmgull, January 30, 2008, 09:58:11 PM

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Sorry if I'm redundant but I wasn't able to find an answer via searching. I'm looking for a simple way to change whammy presets (whammy IV) via midi. Just a simple one or two button box to change presets. If there isn't a DIY route available I'd even consider purchasing something. Real estate is a big issue for me so the smaller the box the better. Anybody know of anything? Thanks!




That can be achieved quite simply, you just need to send program change messages. All the stuff you need to know can be found in the Whammy manual. You can build a very simple footswitch with just one MBHP core, check out the forums for more info (search a LOT before posting though ;) ).