zombie chorus (by tomboy) with problem

Started by guitarman89, September 06, 2008, 03:17:28 PM

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I've built this amazing chorus with tomboy's layout. I've seen some videos on youtube and it sounds very well, so i decided to build it. But when i turned on the effect for the first time i've noticed that it doesn't sound very deep and warm as I've heard, even with the depth and mix on maximum (wet for mix). I try tl074 and tl084 but it sounds as i wrote. mn3007 or other components fried?? help please!!
built: MXR Dist+,dod250-280,dr boogey,IC buffers,cmos drive,multiface,20W SS pwr amps,phase90,tubescreamer,rat,amzMB,wuly mammoth,dod280,zombie chorus
under constur:60W 3886 amp,jcm800 em

Mark Hammer

"deep" and "warm" can mean different things to different people.  Since I am not sure of what you describe, I will point out two possibilities:

1) Unless you made a point of using 1% resistors, there is always the possibility that the dry and delayed signals are not mixed in equal proportions simply because the wet signal does not ever reach 50%.

2) The richness of the chorusing depends on the delay-time range.  Is it possible that the small-value cap that sets the clock/delay range is the wrong value or is on the low side of its tolerance?


thanks Mark i will check again the board. you have catched the right word instead "deep" and "warm", the richness of the chorusing!!! i wish it can be sound well!! sbav sbav sbav
built: MXR Dist+,dod250-280,dr boogey,IC buffers,cmos drive,multiface,20W SS pwr amps,phase90,tubescreamer,rat,amzMB,wuly mammoth,dod280,zombie chorus
under constur:60W 3886 amp,jcm800 em


the error's not mine!! There is an error on tomboy's layout! The pin 14 of the pll 4046be MUST BE CONNECTED TO +Vcc! I've read on the forum that some people had tried different layout with the same error! so, keep careful. If you don't connect that pin to Vcc you can't have the chorus, but only the clean signal! Now it sounds like the way I want!
I will notice that error to tomboy...

Thank for all!!
built: MXR Dist+,dod250-280,dr boogey,IC buffers,cmos drive,multiface,20W SS pwr amps,phase90,tubescreamer,rat,amzMB,wuly mammoth,dod280,zombie chorus
under constur:60W 3886 amp,jcm800 em