Zombie perf verification

Started by saison94, August 05, 2010, 09:13:25 PM

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Hey everyone, I was hoping someone might be able to verify this layout, or suggest how to build this perf layout and incorporate the anti-ticking mod.


I searched the forums and saw that some had success with this layout whereas others said there were errors. Really excited to build this one, this seems like an incredibly easy perf layout for a modulation effect, almost too good to be true?

Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks!


O.K. This won't help much I'm afraid, but I did build this from the perf layout in the gallery over a year ago. There is a mistake on the layout, that you have to find by comparing it to the schematic. I also was able to put in the deticking mod with the second reference voltage source. I play the finished product a lot, so it was worth the somewhat difficult/educational build.

Unfortunately, that is all I remember. I hoped to be able to scan and include my notes, but I spilled coffee on them at some point I discovered. They are pretty much illegible. But, I know I was able to get it to work after some pretty extensive debugging. It was a proud day when I first heard it work as I recall.

Give it a shot if you feel up to some sleuthing. Good luck!


Thanks for the note, I'll see if I can find the bug in the layout, and hopefully try to adapt the anti-click mod. If anyone has any more experience with this layout, or how to implement the mod, I'd love to hear your story, too! Thanks...