baxadall circuit in my ITS8 stompbox question

Started by aikiguy, February 16, 2011, 03:21:16 PM

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I started with an ITS8 board from General Guitar gadgets, and have been moding along nicely.

I would really like to be able to do more with the tone control however, and was thinking that I could replace the tone section with a James Baxadall active circuit. (It has been a long long time since I was in an EE class, and I seem to have forgotten more than I ever knew :-) ) So feel free to speak really slowly with simple words!

My question is about the way the circuit is constructed. I was thinking that I could just remove the section that is the current tone control, ie the resistor, capacitor and pot that make up the low pass filter that is currently the tone section and replace it with the Baxadall circuit.

My question is that all of the Baxadall circuits that I can remember or look up see to have the + input side of the op amp going to ground, and the ITS8 as it is has the + and the - for the second op amp section coming from the output of the first op amp stage.

I would post the circuit here, but I can't seem to sort out how to do it.

Thanks for your input.
