Tremulus Lune Speed Control

Started by Kearns892, November 24, 2010, 02:06:44 PM

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I've done my searching and I have had most of my questions answered to my heart's content. However, I noticed a discrepancy that I haven't seen discussed. The current commonsound schematic for the Lune lists 100k and 10k pots for the speed ( while tonepad lists 10k and 1k (

I have read that tonepad typically doesn't update schematics, so I am wondering if this is an update on commonsound's part to alleviate the issues of the imperceptible effect of the "fine" control when 1k is used. I have seen 47k/50k in conjunction with 4.7k/5k substituted for the controls (suggested by Mick Bailey) and this may be the best compromise.

My worry is that 100k/10k combo would result in most of the range of the speed control giving unnecessarily slow speeds. Has anyone built to these specs or have a greater understanding than I do so they can comment ?



> commonsound schematic for the Lune lists 100k and 10k pots for the speed ... while tonepad lists 10k and 1k

AND the 10u and 0.001u caps change to 100u and 0.01u.

They work the same.


Ah... that explains things. Thanks a lot.