New BlackFire (5 transistor version) Layout

Started by Samuel, October 01, 2003, 03:04:43 PM

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Hey just whipped this up last night thought some of y'alls might be interested.

Sorry about hte large size, and I'll get the PCB without all the junk on it up later.


Also the dumbstupid photoshop renderer for Illustrator files hacked off a bunch of the pad edges....Will avoid that when making the PCB file...

Marcos - Munky

Wow, cool layout. Could you send me the original schematic? I don't have it.


Keep in mind that this has not been thoroughly checked or tested, so if anyone has comments/criticisms/errors they've found, please drop a line here or over email...

Marcos - Munky


Hey Samuel... I usually add a little line an inch from each side of a circuit I am designing in Illustrator to keep it from cropping the tops/sides of pads. Not sure why it does this.


Good call - I wonder if just drawing a white box and putting it behind everything would work....