MPLAB Starter Kit for PIC24F MCUs... and a Mac. What to do?

Started by earthtonesaudio, May 08, 2011, 09:05:41 PM

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A coworker lent me a MPLAB Starter Kit for PIC24F MCUs, but I have a Mac, and the software is PC only.  I'd like to get started programming the thing, BUT:
I don't have a lot of hard drive space to partition off and run a virtual Windows desktop; and I would not like to spend more than zero dollars for a solution.

Any advice? :)


I'll have to double check, but pretty sure MPLAB runs under wine on Linux, so I guess it does on Macs, don't know if that's an option for you.
Tere's a command line tool for Macs on the Microchip website for actually using the programmer to write to the PICs, assuming you're using a Pickit, so you should be able to use whatever software you can find.



Nothing witty yet ...


Nothing witty yet ...


Just compiled wine.  Whew, that took a lot longer than I expected.