What pt2399 pedal for this song

Started by 11-90-an, June 28, 2020, 07:03:54 AM

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If starting more than 1 ongoing threads about different topics is illegal... please let me know..  :-\

Anyway, gonna get some pt2399s and wondering if any circuits/schems can emulate this intensity of feedback... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kdURqcVxIdk . In this song he uses 1 delay and 1 reverb pedal..

If any delay pedal schematic can actually pull this off and I wasted my time typing this just tell me...  ;) :-\
flip flop flip flop flip


Ah, Rob's Rain. I've been able to cover it with a clone of a Mad Professor Deep Blue Delay (single PT2399 delay pedal) and a generic clone reverb pedal using a Belton Brick (Mine was based around the Rub A Dub).

Delay Schematic

Reverb Schematic

What I eventually did is make one PCB that essentially is guitar in -> Delay Pedal -> Reveb Pedal -> guitar out. I could use the level controls to enable the reverb or delay, or both, and that became the pedal I used to cover this tune.
"A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."

- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry


Quote from: 11-90-an on June 28, 2020, 07:03:54 AM
this intensity of feedback...

Isn't it just a single repeat?  Yeah I think almost any delay pedal could do that.

Also, BTW, you can put a YouTube clip in your post, with the YouTube button.

Might save some suffering of ads.