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Started by Hal, August 23, 2005, 01:58:47 PM

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Quote from: FiveseveN on December 06, 2023, 11:17:06 AMNew drinking game: take a shot every time Jmariner mentions what he was doing 10+ years ago.
(we're about 15 shots in after 33 posts)

I'm just practicing humility and making the point that I don't have a deep understanding as it would be expected from someone that bothered to go to college for engineering. Too many years passed, and though I won't have to literally start over from the beginning, I'll certainly have to review from there and work hard to achieve a level of understanding and knowledge to follow a lot of what is covered here.

You know there's an opposite side to that with a lot of contributors building countless known designs, many that sell them, understanding next to nothing about the science, but frequenting the forum and posting far more than I ever will.

Here's a photo if that helps you cope with my delinquency better


I think FiveseveN didn't have any intention to insult/offend you.. :icon_wink:
"I'm getting older while being taught all the time" Solon the Athenian..
"I don't mind  being taught all the time but I do mind a lot getting old" Antonis the Thessalonian..


..... and, a man's not a camel. thirsty work, this.
I had a slight fever


Quote from: Jmariner on December 08, 2023, 11:31:54 AMYou know there's an opposite side to that with a lot of contributors building countless known designs, many that sell them, understanding next to nothing about the science, but frequenting the forum and posting far more than I ever will.

Here's a photo if that helps you cope with my delinquency better

Your science must be better than you think - you have managed to get an aluminum box to rust.  Kudos!


Sorry Ron, but there is only one like per post permitted.. :icon_biggrin:
"I'm getting older while being taught all the time" Solon the Athenian..
"I don't mind  being taught all the time but I do mind a lot getting old" Antonis the Thessalonian..


Like ?  I like Cheese, Ducks get extra !
You can never know the exact time, you'll always be late.


ducks get, or duck gets? what kind of cheese?

my brother in law once said to me at a wedding or similar - It's a long time for a drink.

FiveseveN - skol!
I had a slight fever


Cool effect.
Ge Q1 OC140 C Biased to 7.02 v with 51ish resistor.
Select-able C1 with three values 472 473 474, nice.
Metal film resistors, sans 3 1M.
Acrylic face plates, with mistake.
2 fishes.

You can never know the exact time, you'll always be late.

Matthew Sanford

In getting a bunch of the things at Tayda I noticed a Rangemaster PCB and figured I'd been planning to build one. It arrived, negative supply! Oh well, made a fix to fit from Peter Seigfield's drawing (who gave us positive supply DRM? R.G.? Mark?) and it works out!(w/low volume hiss)

"The only knowledge is knowing you know nothing" - that Sew Crates guy

Controlled Chaos Fx


Re: RangeMaster
Outside of the DIY forum, which has lots of good RM info, I also looked at:
1 General Guitar Gadgets
2 Fuzz Central
3 ElectroSmash
From their great articles I made the RM you see above, sans temp diode....
(By using sockets for the 3 C1 capacitors,  I have learned what the "sound" effects are of different values.)
You can never know the exact time, you'll always be late.


Robert Plant
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein


Kevin wins 2024 already.  ;D
Ohm's Law - much like Coles Law, but with less cabbage...


A Harmonic Perculator,
2N404A Hfe 81 and 2N5088 Hfe 370
Some Fish and Tone / Diode Pots
Acrylic plates.
91K, 750K (3.78M), 220K pretty much stock.

You can never know the exact time, you'll always be late.



Tom, Looks that way, thank you....
Either the "previous" foot switch didn't work before I soldered it so it so well that it would "never ever" fall apart, or the solder job toasted it.
SO, tip of the day, you only need to solder half the lug, thus reducing the induced heat. And maybe not scrapping the switch, my solder skills are getting better as to limiting the heat. Saves solder too. Like it ain't going anywhere. (Boy you can't pull the wool over any eyes here, lol, good observation)
You can never know the exact time, you'll always be late.

Matthew Sanford

My build of Christine is finally built, boxed, and working! Have yet to finish my LFO machine to test that part of it (the switches and leds on top), but confirmed working otherwise! Had a hell of a time cramming it in this diy dual steel stud box(1590DD would've worked), kept shorting, so coated everything in liquid electrical tape. Next pedal gets one CV in with an internal buffer/inverter and on/off/backwards switch, plus a pot to reduce level, one set for each pot. I love her though, can destroy everything! With a DRM in front she absolutely annihilates!

"The only knowledge is knowing you know nothing" - that Sew Crates guy

Controlled Chaos Fx

Ben N

Quote from: Phend on January 05, 2024, 09:56:46 AM

Paul, you're killing it with those acrylic faceplates. 👍


Quote from: Matthew Sanford on January 13, 2024, 07:31:10 PM

geeze louise, are they pk screws sticking up through the front panel? it would be better for your feet if you covered their points with a bit of lego each.
I had a slight fever


Hum, Looks like Matthew is using the techniques of Ed Geise, owner of an electronics repair shop called Interfax Electronics. And a Heavy Metal touch to the enclosure. I like it.
You can never know the exact time, you'll always be late.

Matthew Sanford

Duck, my wife gave a +1 to legos, though we're passed the stepping on them stage we've loads for godchildren, etc. After deciding to just strap that Vero with credit card strips I was going to file them...but Christine is mean!!! User beware!!!(until I poke my foot and call it a problem to fix)

Phend, thanks! She is metal, and a bit heavy! I was thinking to fill the holes and go glossy red but I dunno, I kinda like the very much a wreck feel!
"The only knowledge is knowing you know nothing" - that Sew Crates guy

Controlled Chaos Fx